If you cancelled any order with or without mutual agreement it reflected as reduced Order Completed Rate. Any orders cancelled beyond 2 months are not considered to calculate this value. If you have less order completed rate, it will cause to reduce your ranking on the search results. There are many reasons to cancel the orders on fiverr. Let's check some of them one by one.
Before cancel any of the orders keep in mind that it will reduce your order completed rate.
Buyer not read the gig description before placing the order.
This is one of most common reasons to cancel an order. You can't do anything else than the cancellation. When you receive this kind of order, write politely saying that this service is not offered by you and therefore you wants to cancel the order.
The buyer asks for a work that needs many hrs but purchased only one gig.
Most of this kind of orders are from the buyers who didn't contact before the order. They are they can get any service for $5 on fiverr. If you receive this kind of order, estimate the costs or charges for the order. Then write a message to the buyer stating that his request can't completed for this price and the your charge for it. Further, you can send addition to the gig with the balance amount. (Difference between paid amount and your estimation).
Most of the time this works and buyers accepted addition. If buyer doesn't agree with your price, Try to negotiate the price with the buyer.
I can't meet delivery dates because of my workload.
This is not a reason to cancel a order now. Fiverr has an option to ask for an extension to the delivery date. (You can find this option in resolution center) Use this option and if the buyer agreed to extend the time you can complete the gig without any problem.
I can't meet delivery dates because of personal issues. (sick, other commitment, funeral, vacation, etc)
This is a situation that you have to react fast. If not, your orders getting late which is much verse than reduced cancellation rate. Write a message to the buyer stating that your situation and ask for mutual cancellation.
Buyer requesting modifications continuously.
This is a very annoying situation. Some buyers purposely request modifications without any valid reason. Doing those revisions consumes your valid time for a new order. First of all keep calm and don't get angry with the buyer. If you got angry and argue with the buyer, it will end up with cancelled order without mutual agreement or a bad review. If you have done 3 - 4 modification to the order, let him know that you can't do any more modifications free of charge (If you state number of modifications in your gig wait till that number of modifications) and your charge for one modification. Most of the time this solves the problem and you don't need cancellation anymore.
Finally, when you are sending any cancellation request, don't state the word Refund. Because fiverr charging a service charge and cancelling a order will not refund this service charge which buyers expect with the word Refund.
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